Golden Man to go on display in Manchester

The famed sculpture ‘Portrait of a Young Man’ Standing, popularly known as the Golden Man will be displayed at Manchester Art Gallery from September, along with Leonard’s much-loved portrait of his mother Delia McComb.

The sculpture moves from the Royal Academy where it was a star exhibit in this year’s Summer Exhibition, placed right at the entrance to the show, to the city in which Len grew up.

Portrait of a Young Man Standing was first exhibited in 1983 and was shown a year later at the Tate Gallery's exhibition The Hard-Won Image. In 1990 the Golden Man made news around the world when it was displayed at Lincoln Cathedral as part of The Journey exhibition. The Dean, concerned about the work causing public offence had the sculpture removed to a more discreet site. In protest, Leonard withdrew the piece from the exhibition. He was immediately invited to display the work for a second time at the Tate Gallery.

Read the full story of the Golden Man here and Manchester Art Gallery to see this fantastic piece of work for yourself.